Saturday, May 30, 2020

#CONTEST Leave a Comment, Win High Quality Business Cards

#CONTEST Leave a Comment, Win High Quality Business Cards 38 Here's a contest that's easy to win. is sponsoring this contest with prizes of personalized, top-notch business cards. Thank you, This is the first contest as part of the run-up to JobMob's 5th Anniversary on March 21st. Stay tuned for more contests over the next few days. Here are the others you can now enter:eval #CONTEST: Leave a Comment, Win a Smart Resume Design Pack #CONTEST: Leave a Comment, Win Copies of Bring Your Superpowers To Work #CONTEST: Leave a Comment, Win Help For Your Google Rankings #CONTEST: Leave a Comment, Win Job Interview Video Tutorial Packs It's ok to enter all the contests separately. You're not limited to entering only one. How to Enter At the bottom of this article, leave a comment about the most memorable business card you've ever seen. Some suggestions of what to write in your comment are:eval Your own business card One that you received at a networking event A business card that you saw online (maybe even on JobMob?), in someone else's hand, etc. Tell us what was so memorable about it. Be as descriptive as you can. Comment now How to Win Simple â€" Leave an impressive comment. The winners will be the 3 people with the most impressive comments as judged by me. You, or anyone you know, can try to influence the choice of winners by leaving more comments in support. Comment now Prizes 3 people will each win a package of custom business cards using high-quality, die-cut cardstock. If you win, you'll get to: Choose an initial business card online via, beginning with any design template on their site Have's design team make two custom revisions of your chosen design, after having given them your details and any relevant files (photo?) Receive 250 cards of the final design shipped to you, wherever you are on Earth Void where prohibited. Rules Must be 18 or older. You can comment as many times as you like, but you can only win one prize. Be sure to use a real email address or Twitter account when you comment so that I can contact you if you win. Contest Deadline To be considered as entries in the contest, all comments must be submitted before Monday, March 26th, 2012. Comment now And please tell your friends on Facebook to comment too. Good luck!

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

osu Help Writing Resume

osu Help Writing ResumeAre you looking for a way to help write resume for the osu? Are you really not in a position to make your own resume but still would like to improve your skills and get an opportunity with the famous one. The game is well played and many people are using the help of people who have got a good background with the game and are selling their skills. There are many free tutorials available online which show the beginners how to write resume to help make the points relevant and striking.osu is the most popular nature making game, enjoyed by many people across the world. It is a video game that helps you make maps and tracks in order to complete levels. If you are thinking about improving your knowledge base and skills so that you can make better or possibly any great score.The level of practice and the time required to reach a decent level depend on you and your level of enthusiasm. The major problem in most of the cases is that the beginners are not able to handle the pressure of the competitive game and feel daunted.Our help writing resume, written properly, can make it more relevant and convincing. It needs to be based on your expertise is important in the competitive game. This can make it relevant and help you stand out among the rest of the players.Our help writing resume can help you look for your self-esteem and if you feel that you are lacking the confidence, the tutorial can help you out of the dilemma. For example, you are pretty good with the information technology but if you do not have a gaming background you may feel insecure. The knowledge base and your skill are what matter and if you don't stand out from the crowd then it will be very difficult for you to win the game.osu help writing resume can help you see your past history and if you have done well in the past then it may be time to prove yourself in the competitive games. The experience and the success you have had earlier will give you the edge over the rest of the playe rs. This will give you the advantage to become the winner in the game.Our help writing resume can be of use to you if you wish to analyze and understand certain points of the game. If you think that your spelling, grammar and vocabulary are not appropriate to write out or maybe you are not a good writer.Our help writing resume can help you develop the right attitude and mindset for the osu. For example, if you feel that the osu help writing resume is not suitable to you, or if you have any doubts related to the game or its rules, then go for the osu help writing resume.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Charisma on Command

Charisma on Command What’s the difference between the people who get the job, get the promotion, or get all the attention and the ones who don’t? In many cases, it’s charisma. You may not know how to define it, but you definitely know it when you see it. The official definition of charisma is “compelling attractiveness or charm that can inspire devotion in others.” The word comes from the Greek for “gift of grace.” You may think that charisma, like good looks, is something you’re born with â€" you either have it or you don’t. But it can improved through practice, and the results are worth the effort. Charlie Houpert is the 20-something author of Charisma on Command: Inspire, Impress, and Energize Everyone You Meet . He describes himself as charisma-impaired in his early life. He was voted “Most Likely To Break Out Of His Shell In College” in high school, but, he says, it wasn’t happening. He struggled to connect with people (especially girls) and thought he was doomed to be the male equivalent of a wallflower forever. He decided to take a break from his life. He moved to Costa Rica to study abroad and reinvent himself. He spoke almost no Spanish, but managed to make friends and finally, break out of his shell. When he returned to the States, he methodically studied what made some of his friends charismatic. He began a deliberate practice of imitating them and building his confidence and skills. He and his friend Ben Altman run Charisma on Command, a site that brings the best of what he’s learned to “teach you how to take your confidence and charisma to the next level in the situations where you need it the most.” The book breaks down the elements of charisma and does a good job of explaining why they work.   It delivers practical tips and techniques to build your ability to connect with people and command a room. Here’s his formula for success: Charisma = Conviction + Energy + Presentation The first element of charisma is conviction. You have to believe, Houpert says, or you’ll never get anyone to believe. He cites the legendary Steve Jobs story as an example. In 1983, Apple is just four years old. Steve Jobs is a brash wunderkind with big ideas but without the business expertise to take them to market. He approached John Sculley, the youngest ever President of Pepsi.   He has the training, experience, and relationships Jobs needs to market Apple’s products.   He is Steve Job’s number one pick to be Apple’s CEO. And he says no. Houghton writes: “Steve is dressed in his signature turtleneck and running shoes.   He glances at the floor then up at Sculley, who just rebuffed him.   He looks straight into Sculley’s eyes and asks: “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life, or do you want to come with me and change the world? A few weeks later, Scully was Apple’s CEO. He could have had any job in corporate America, and Apple was by no means a sure thing. But Scully said that one, unsubstantiated sentence rocked him to the core. In his own words, “I just gulped.   I knew I would wonder for the rest of my life what I had missed.” Turns out it was a pretty good move. But it was based initially on Steve Jobs’ conviction and charisma. You may never be Steve Jobs, but you can become more charismatic.   Houpert provides tips at his YouTube channel for becoming better at all of the aspects of charisma, including humor, competence and sex appeal. Would you like to have more power in your career? In future posts, we’ll explore how to build your charisma.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Words to Drop From Your Resume Vocabulary

Words to Drop From Your Resume Vocabulary It is very easy to be an experienced professional, and sound inexperienced, by using an outdated resume vocabulary. Your choice of words can even reveal subtle things about you, such as your age, gender, and personality.These resume editing tips focus on making sure you drop certain words the next time you want to do a resume makeover.Important resume tip: You may see this type of blog post frequently. Trends in resume vocabulary and style change every year. So, it is important to keep up with changes for your next career move.“Objective”Over the years, the “objective statement” has become a useless portion of the resume. In recent years, it has been replaced with a “Summary Statement”. I’m sorry to break it to you. But companies no longer care about what your objective is. Instead, they want you to summarize your skills and explain why you are a fit for the position.“Responsible for…”Real estate is priceless on a resume. Shorter and to-the-point is always better for your resume vocabulary. Phrases like “responsible for” take up space, and also bore the heck out of resumes. You were obviously responsible for something. You had a job. Get to the point and focus on resume keywords.“Worked on”See “responsible for” and consider this the same kind of resume editing tip. Your resume vocabulary should be strong on focus, and weak on small talk. Hiring managers have very little time to read, so it is best to keep it brief and detailed.In addition, the phrase “worked on” is too vague. To use an analogy, you can easily say, “I worked on Wall Street”. The reality may be that you mopped up the trading floor.Employers know how to sniff out people who were simply exposed to a work environment. “Worked on” is in the resume vocabulary of people who hide the details of reality.“Assisted”This resume editing tip is for the painfully shy, who do not like to brag. Some cultures appreciate and reward this behavior, and it is great to b e a humble, team player.But, the last thing you should do is undersell yourself with this resume vocabulary. Instead of talking about assisting, shift and use the resume vocabulary for those who love collaborating.You collaborated with a team to succeed. Writing that you assisted a team, makes it sound like you were in charge of ordering pizzas on lunch break.Adverbs Must GoAn adverb, by definition, modifies or qualifies a verb, adjective, or group of words. For that reason, they can come across as comical and wasted space on a resume. Make your resume vocabulary about quantifiable verbs, such as “executed”, “operated”, and “coordinated”. No one cares if you did such things softly, gently, unwittingly, intentionally, etc.Example of how adverbs look funny in a resume vocabulary:Good: “Executed user flows testing for various design solutions” Bad: “Safely executed user flows testing for various design solutions”Follow this important resume tip and your resume wil l be stronger, more powerful, and easier to read! If you are interested in a career change or updating your resume vocabulary, check out our executive-level resume service at Find My Profession.

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tips For Writing Your First Resume

Tips For Writing Your First ResumeWriting your first resume can be daunting, because there are a number of factors that will influence the outcome. The format, formatting, and font are one of the first steps in preparing your resume. Carefully examine all of the information on your resume and make sure you are submitting the best version possible. Following these tips will help you achieve your dream job.Research and Analysis Before you begin writing your first resume, take some time to do some research on the specific position you are applying for. There are many job postings available today, and many companies may post their employment opportunities. With so many postings to read through, it is easier to find the perfect job opportunity.Do some preliminary work with what you know about the company or position, by listing your previous experience and education, if any. You can do this by including a list of tasks you completed in a job role and your educational background. This is a lso a good time to note any relevant certifications you may have received. Just be sure to keep your resume focused on your strengths, and leave out anything that may be viewed as weak, or irrelevant.Remember, when writing your first resume needs to be concise and professional. Writing a resume can be time consuming, but it is much easier to do the more professional version when you have an idea of what you want your resume to look like. Remember, it is your first introduction into the company and you want to ensure that your application stands out from the crowd.Use Bullet Points To get the most from your resume, use bullet points to quickly capture information. For example, instead of writing 'Research Student' in the paragraph that follows your name, write 'PhD Candidate in Neuropsychology' on a separate sheet of paper. The use of bullet points is recommended to save space on your page, and to keep your writing focused. Do not forget about your professional appearance. When looki ng for jobs, it is sometimes necessary to make additional accommodations for the company or other applicants. A professional uniform and appearance are a great way to impress the hiring manager. Consider adding a tie or belt, and make sure you check in with the company prior to making any alterations to your dress.People always want to hear about a candidate's personality, but it is also helpful to include how you think, feel, and present yourself in your resume. Your resume should tell your readers everything they need to know about you.A resume is an opportunity to share your personal qualities and experiences with a company. It is your opportunity to make a lasting impression on a new employer, and your first step in landing that dream job.

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Can You Afford to Put All Your Eggs In One Basket

Can You Afford to Put All Your Eggs In One Basket When you rely and depend upon a single employer to provide you with a salary and benefits and everything else you need for a financially and emotionally secure career, you are putting all your eggs in one basket. This has been the norm for a very long time, however, it is risky.   Especially today and even riskier in the future. Your financial advisor would never recommend you put all your investments in a single fund, yet this is what you are doing when you dont have other streams of income.   Does this make sense? In principle, it probably does make sense.   However, I know what you are thinking I am not hardwired to be an entrepreneur. I dont know what I would do to generate another income stream. I dont have enough time for this. I dont have money to start my own business. I hear you. There are so many obstacles and unknowns. Ask around, look around.   People you know may already be doing it. Do know people with rental property?   An Etsy site? (If you dont know what that is, please, look it up!) Refereeing a sport on the weekend? Repairing equipment, cars, or computers on the side?   Developing websites?   Consulting? Speaking? Writing? Perhaps deep down inside, youve always dreamed of starting some business or going out on your own.   Open your mind to the possibilities. The best time to start a business is while you are employed.   You wont feel the financial pressure to replace your income. When Tom Peters wrote The Brand Called You for FastCompany in 1997, it was just the tip of the iceberg. Peters belief about managing your personal reputation or personal brand is   absolutely a critical part of this.   Then came   Jay Block.     I was first exposed to Block in 2010 when he wrote Welcome to the New Realities in the Age of Protean Careers on QuintCareers.   A must read!   In February of this year he wrote The New Era of Protean Careers on Personal Branding Blog.   This post   lays it out pretty clearly and Block has devised 6 actionable steps to start embracing Protean strategies.   Block says: let me share with you six initial strategies for thriving in this transformational workplace: Reduce television time and spend an hour a day contemplating the future and where you fit in.   You can’t change anything tomorrow with the same thoughts you have today. Don’t put all your financial eggs in one basket; consider multiple sources of income. Bring more value to the marketplace tomorrow than you did today; invest in lifelong education and increase your worth, so you are compensated accordingly. Create your own job. You don’t have to invest big bucks to start a business.   Just seek out opportunities and go for it!   Become a painter, a cook, an electrician, a subcontractor, or form a web-based business. Be resourceful and identify ways to self-generate income. Downsize your life and live within your means. The federal government is broke and most states are as well.    All of society must become fiscally responsible. Invest in good health. No one can build a thriving future with poor health, no energy, and a negative mindset.   We all must work as hard on ourselves as we do on our careers. I want you to read these links. I want you to seriously consider what the future looks like, not just your future, but the future of our globally connected world. My colleague and friend, Meg Guiseppi featured me on Executive Career Brand.   Branding and multiple income streams go hand in hand and I talked a bit about this with her.   I strongly believe that we cant ignore the changes going on and that we deserve to take ownership and accountability of our careers TODAY! What do you think about this idea?   Please, let me know!

Friday, May 8, 2020

What Professional Development Really Tells Employers - Pathfinder Careers

What “Professional Development” Really Tells Employers - Pathfinder Careers What “Professional Development” Really Tells Employers I was recently at a conference of meeting professionals providing a resume review workshop, and made a stunning discovery: Relatively few people listed the words, “Professional Development” on their resume under their EDUCATION header. The irony is that these are the people who plan the very conferences and educational seminars that we go to in order to earn ‘professional development’ credentials. Talk about not being able to see the forest for the trees! Professional development is the terminology used to describe any additional educational training or background you’ve gained through attending conferences, conventions, seminars, workshops, trainings, continuing education classes, industry certifications or corporate universities. You should NOT use a section header saying, “Trainings” or Seminars or something along those lines… Instead use the words “Professional Development” â€" that is the correct term and descriptor for any education that extends beyond a formal, degree/certificate institutional level. Professional development single-handedly tells employers this message: “Here’s what I’ve done to INCREASE my job knowledge, HONE my skills to be a better worker, and BE CURRENT on industry trends.” If you don’t have anything to list in this section, you’d better start signing up for classes. This is a great section to help break away from the rest of the pack in this competitive marketplace. Having something under Professional Development is a good way to deliver a subliminal message to employers: I work hard, I care about my work and how I perform it, and I want to do a good job. The good news for unemployed workers is that there are federal stimulus funds available to help pay for professional development and educational studies. You’d need to check with your local employment department to find out about qualification details. Otherwise, if you are fortunate to have the resources either with your current employer or personally, then this is the time to start targeting those classes which will enhance your professional credentials. What kinds of skills can you add to your repertoire to make yourself even more indispensable? How can you make yourself a better resource to an employer? A perfect example was a gentleman in one of the resume writing classes I taught recently. He had lost his job as a forklift driver, but didn’t let the moss grow. He kept reading trade/industry journals to keep track of trends, and that’s how he found out about a new generation of forklift that just came out. He had previously been trained/certified on the manual (hydraulic) lever-operated forklifts. The new model has a joystick to operate it- which required a different certification. So this gentleman took the steps to go get certified in the new model, which doubled his employability to prospective companies. Good thinking! Keeping abreast of current industry trends, bringing new ideas back to the office and sharing information are all attributes of leaders who are valued members of an organization. Dont you want to be seen in that light? Take the time to invest in your job knowledge. This clearly makes you stand out as a proactively engaged, inquisitive, and driven prospective employee to companies when they are reviewing resumes!